Collection: Nos Tisane Bien-être et Aphrodisiaques


  • Vaginal dryness and frigidity are often linked to infections and can have various causes.

One of the main causes of infections that can lead to vaginal dryness is an imbalance in vaginal flora, which can be caused by antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, or excessive douching. These infections, such as yeast infections or bacterial infections, can disrupt the natural moisture of the vagina, leading to a feeling of dryness and discomfort.

On the other hand, frigidity can also be influenced by infections and hormonal imbalances. Recurrent vaginal infections can cause pain and unpleasant sensations during sex, which can lead to decreased sexual desire. Additionally, untreated sexually transmitted infections can also impact libido and sexual function.

The consequences of vaginal dryness and frigidity can be significant for health and emotional well-being. In addition to physical pain and discomfort, these problems can lead to decreased self-esteem, difficulties in intimate relationships, and a deterioration in overall life.

To overcome these challenges, we highly recommend exploring the extraordinary benefits of our natural intimate plants.

Nep Nep, with its soothing properties, helps to restore the balance of the vaginal flora, thus offering a natural and effective solution against dryness and discomfort.

In addition, Princess N'golobai is distinguished by its regenerating virtues, which help treat recurrent vaginal infections and restore intimate health. This exotic plant offers a natural response to pain and irritation, allowing you to regain harmonious and fulfilled intimacy.

Finally, do not underestimate the benefits of 4 Sided Fruit, which stimulates libido and strengthens sexual vitality. This plant, rich in essential nutrients, nourishes your body from the inside, thus promoting a fulfilled and balanced intimate life.

Our natural intimate plants are cultivated with care and respect for
the environment, thus guaranteeing their purity and effectiveness. Free yourself from intimate worries and opt for a gentle and natural approach with our recommended products. Take care of your privacy with treasures of nature and rediscover the pleasure of a fulfilling and carefree intimate life.